
President Alvi's visit to Beijing wins a smash hit on Chinese media

By Agnes Javed | China Economic Net Mar 19, 2020

BEIJING, Mar. 19 (China Economic Net) - "Pakistan is a real friend. That we Chinese people are very certain," a Chinese netizen commented. Such remarks acclaiming the solid China-Pakistan friendship are massive posted under a news report on Pakistani President Arif Alvi's visit to China.

According to the data of JinRiToutiao (Headlines Today) and Wechat, two of the most popular news platforms in China, the article titled "President of Pakistan Alvi starts his journey to China" has totally won the attention of more than 370,000 readers with over 6,000 likes and 1,000 comments, a real hit not many news articles can normally expect. The event probably was the top attraction of the Chinese people that day besides the novel coronavirus outbreak. 


Chinese readers share comments under the article. [Screenshot from JinRiToutiao (Headlines Today)]

Most readers expressed their gratitude to President Alvi for visiting China at this crucial time, and their best wishes for the Pakistan-China friendship. The following are some of the comments:

"We'd like to express our warmest welcome to President Alvi for coming to China."

"We cherish the friendship between China and Pakistan that has been passing on to generations and generations. ”

"What are the concerns of Pakistan are also ours, and vice versa."

"The iron brothers are united. Through joint efforts, China and Pakistan will defeat the COVID-19, and resume economic development."

"However the world changes, long live Pak-China friendship!"

Plenty of positive remarks suggested that President Alvi's visit once again sparked a Chinese warm feeling for Pakistan, reflecting the unbreakable close relations between the two peoples throughout history. 

During the visit from March 16 to 17, President Alvi held talks with Chinese President Xi Jinping and witnessed the signing of multiple bilateral cooperation documents.

The two countries also issued a joint statement on deepening the China-Pakistan all-weather strategic cooperative partnership.


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