
Onion crop protection: PHDEC organises seminar to address fungal and bacterial threats

By Staff Reporter | Business Recorder Sep 11, 2023

TANDO ALLAH YAR: In response to the alarming decline of onion crops in regions including Tando Allah Yar and Matiari, the Pakistan Horticulture Development & Export Company (PHDEC) organised a transformative training-cum-discussion seminar.

The event, titled “Remedial Measures for Fungal/Bacterial Diseases in Onion Crop,” convened at the Municipal Committee Hall, Tando Allah Yar, witnessed active participation from numerous onion growers and farmers.

Khawar Nadeem, Manager PHDEC, opened the seminar by elucidating its core objectives. He underscored the need to deliver the latest insights and knowledge to the affected region, equipping growers and farmers with the most recent developments in combating fungal and bacterial diseases ravaging the onion crops. These diseases have posed a severe threat, endangering up to 50% of the onion yield in these areas.

Khalid Iqbal Rajput, Director of the Plant Research Institute at ARC Tando Jam, took the stage to shed light on the factors contributing to the emergence of these diseases. He pinpointed residual water stagnation from the previous year’s floods as a prime culprit. Scientific investigations unveiled a consequential rise in pH levels and the

accumulation of saline layers in the shallow earth—conditions that created ideal breeding grounds for the diseases.

Mubarak Ali, Consultant Agro Division TDAP, wrapped up the technical discussions by emphasizing the importance of consulting local experts before implementing control measures.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2023

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