TIR Route Between Pakistan and China Set to Revolutionize Regional Trade Connections: Pakistani Minister
ISLAMABAD, Aug 27,(Gwadar Pro)- The International Road Transport (TIR) route between Pakistan and China is poised to revolutionize trade connections in the region, stated a Pakistani minister on Saturday night.
In an interview with Gwadar Pro, Caretaker Minister for Planning, Development, and Special Initiatives Muhammad Sami Saeed emphasized that the newly launched route will significantly enhance trade between Pakistan and China, while also providing an efficient and secure land route to connect the landlocked Central Asian states.
"This marks another win-win situation, as our cooperation with China continues to expand," he remarked.
The inaugural convoy of cargo trucks is already en route from China to Pakistan via the new TIR route. Cross-border transportation of goods has commenced for the first time under the United Nations International Road Transport Convention, in collaboration with Pakistan's National Logistics Corporation and CEVA Logistics, a prominent Chinese company.
This significant milestone occurred on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) project.
A ceremony was conducted at Kashgar Yuanfang International Logistics Port Company to officially launch the TIR service. The event was attended by representatives from NLC, Kashgar Customs, Municipal Committee officials, CEVA Logistics, and the Cross-Border E-Commerce Association.
During the ceremony, speakers underscored the importance of the TIR transport route from Kashgar to Islamabad, shedding light on future plans for the transportation of goods under the TIR arrangement between the two countries.
Thanks to streamlined and coordinated customs procedures at the borders, cross-border movement of TIR goods will be faster and safer. This streamlined process will not only reduce time but also costs. At the conclusion of the ceremony, the first convoy of cargo trucks set off for Pakistan.
Minister for Planning, Development, and Special Initiatives Muhammad Sami Saeed disclosed that he had already issued orders to expedite work on CPEC projects, coinciding with Pakistan and China's celebration of the 10th anniversary of this monumental endeavor.