
China's proactive measures to strengthen the private sector and foster economic recovery

By Imran Khalid | Gwadar Pro Aug 3, 2023

Editor's Note: The writer is a freelance columnist on international affairs based in Karachi, Pakistan. The article reflects the author's opinions and not necessarily the views of Gwadar Pro.

As the year progresses, China intensifies its drive to bolster economic recovery, unveiling a series of measures aimed at addressing both internal and external challenges. Emphasizing the significance of consumption and supporting the private sector, officials and analysts emphasize these measures as vital in maintaining a steady path towards recovery.

In a resounding signal of support, China's National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), the country's top economic planner, and eight Chinese ministries unveiled 28 measures to bolster the private economy on Tuesday. Issued few days after the comprehensive guideline issued by the Communist Party of China Central Committee and the State Council on July 19 on bolstering the private economy, the 28 measures are specifically tailored to address the sector's most pressing challenges. Timely and targeted, they signify the country's commitment to supporting private enterprises amidst economic headwinds. Pledging fair access to major national projects and technological endeavors, increased financial and land assistance, and enhanced legal protection, China reaffirms its commitment to fortifying the private sector.

To further bolster the economic rebound in the latter half of 2023, additional stimulus actions, potentially including monetary policy adjustments, are also in the offing. This proactive approach reflects China's commitment to secure a resilient and sustainable economic trajectory amidst prevailing uncertainties.

As per the National Development and Reform Commission, private capital will receive support to join lucrative and mature national projects, and real estate investment trust products will be issued for infrastructure ventures. The commission plans to unveil "green light" investment cases to facilitate the growth of the platform economy, focusing on technologies and services empowering the real economy. The new measures target five crucial aspects, including fair market access, enhanced financial support, robust legal guarantees, streamlined services, and fostering a favorable environment for private enterprises.

This growing support for the private economy bodes well for a steady recovery in the second half of 2023, despite internal and external hurdles. Effective implementation will be crucial for the policies' success in targeting key growth drivers and sustaining economic stability. China's strategic approach highlights its determination to navigate challenges and foster a resilient economic trajectory.

A registry of profitable and mature major national projects will invite private firms to participate, while the issuance of Real Estate Investment Trust products (REITs) for infrastructure ventures will surge. Qualified private companies will be incentivized to issue REITs to boost private investment. Additionally, the reserved 40 percent quota for private firms in government procurement will be extended until the end of 2023. These measures exemplify China's commitment to fostering private sector engagement in key areas of development.

Private firms will be encouraged to take part in major science and technology projects, especially in crucial areas like industrial software, cloud computing, and artificial intelligence. The measures also involve continued support for "green light" investment cases, granting approval for specific investment deals from private internet platforms, driving the platform economy forward. By fostering cooperation between the private and public sectors through joint ventures and laboratories, China aims to accelerate technological advancements. Supporting micro and small enterprises with inclusive loans until 2024, the country also streamlines tax reductions for private companies engaged in cross-border business, affirming its commitment to promoting innovation and easing economic growth for all enterprises.

The private sector, a crucial catalyst for China's economic growth and innovation, accounts for a substantial 70 percent of technological advancements. The latest measures promise increased support for private enterprises to take the helm in science and technology projects, encouraging further breakthroughs. Embracing pragmatism, these endeavors open doors for private firms to assume responsibility for major national ventures and drive innovation. Facilitating cooperation between private and public entities, the measures facilitate joint ventures and laboratories, fostering accelerated technological breakthroughs. Financially, private businesses will receive eased tax reduction in research and development spending, quicker export rebates, and robust inclusive financial support.

Moreover, more private firms will qualify to issue bonds. These measures reflect China's commitment to supporting and empowering the private sector. The concerted effort aims to harness the immense potential of private enterprises, propelling China's scientific landscape towards greater heights.

This proactive approach aims to fortify the foundation of private enterprises and empower them to thrive in key sectors, fostering a robust and vibrant economic landscape. Analysts anticipate a stable recovery for the Chinese economy in the second half of 2023, given the measures aimed at core growth drivers. However, success hinges on the effective implementation of these policies amid internal and external challenges.

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