
Ambassador Bakr hopes initiative for ‘Green Pakistan’ will catch momentum in coming days

By Staff Reporter | Pakistan Observer Aug 3, 2023

The Embassy of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia (FDRE) on Wednesday launched the Green Legacy Initiative which is a brainchild of Ethiopian Prime Minister Dr Abiy Ahmed and is designed to address climate-related issues, reduce poverty, preserve environment and ensure sustainable development.

The Ethiopian embassy also held a tree plantation ceremony in the premises of the embassy that was attended by Federal Minister for Aviation & Railways Khawja Saad Rafique, Dean of Diplomatic Corps Ambassador Atadjan Movlamov, Ambassador of Morocco, Mohamed Karmoune, former President ICCI and President of Africa-Pakistan Association Zafar Bakhtawari, senior officers from the Climate Change Ministry, religious leaders, representatives of the youth association, and media outlets. Federal Minister Khawja Saad Rafique along with Ambassador of Ethiopia Jemal Beker Abdula and business representatives, planted a tree also to mark the green legacy initiative.

Later guests also planted diverse species of trees, including Jacaranda, Avocado, Pine, Olive, Terminalia, and Ficus carica, among others. Speaking at the ceremony Ambassador Jemal Abduala praised the visionary leadership of his Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed and commended the Green Legacy Initiative for its significant impact in addressing climate challenges, conserving the environment, generating employment opportunities, and ensuring food security in Ethiopia.

He said 25 billion seedlings of trees, fruits, and cattle feeds were planted during first phase of the Green Legacy Initiative which was launched by PM Dr. Abiy Ahmed in 2019. On 17th July 2023, the second phase commenced under the theme “Let’s plant our future today,” aiming to plant another 25 billion seedlings across Ethiopia, he said.

Notably, he said the FDRE achieved a remarkable feat on 17th July 2023 by planting over 550 million seedlings in one day which was an accomplishment that garnered immense support from more than 32 million people of Ethiopia participating in the initiative this year. The ambassador said this far-reaching initiative had also made significant strides in job creation, contributing to over 1 million jobs in Ethiopia, while the number of nurseries in the country surged to 145,000, thanks to the Green Legacy Initiative.

Beyond national borders, he said the Green Legacy Initiative earned recognition at the international and regional levels, inspiring neighboring countries to undertake massive tree plantation campaigns to shield the African continent from the adverse impacts of climate change. Highlighting the global nature of climate change and the necessity for cooperation among nations, the ambassador expressed Ethiopia’s willingness to share its experiences, knowledge and skills with the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

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