Seminar on Export Facilitation Scheme jointly held by PHMA & Customs
A seminar on new Export Facilitation Scheme was jointly organized by the Pakistan Hosiery Manufacturers and Exporters Association (PHMA), in collaboration with the Pakistan Customs, to facilitate the exporters to enhance value-added textile exports, contributing in the economic uplift of the country.
The Pakistan Hosiery Manufacturers and Exporters Association (PHMA), in collaboration with the Pakistan Customs, organized a seminar on new Export Facilitation Scheme to facilitate the exporters to enhance value-added textile exports, contributing in the economic uplift of the country.
The EFS awareness seminar held at PHMA zonal office Lahore was participated by a number of knitwear exporters. Customs Collector Nayyar Shafique along with his team members briefed the exporters about the salient features and registration process of Export Facilitation Scheme 2023.
Chairman PHMA north zone Naseer Butt welcomed the Customs officials this orientation seminar to enlighten the exporters about the main features of EFS.
The Customs Collector Sambarial Nayyar Shafique, accompanied by Deputy Collector Sidra Munawar, assured the PHMA members of removing the glitches in Export Facilitation Scheme to make it business friendly with a view to improve the inflows of foreign exchange in the country.
Smbarial appreciated that PHMA, saying the FBR believed in facilitating the exporters to contribute in the economic prosperity of the country, as the government and the PHMA were working closer like hands in gloves to facilitate the taxpayers and exporters.
He gave a detailed presentation on the scheme, highlighting the accomplishments made by the department so far. He also pointed out that the department had set up help desks to facilitate exporters under the EFS.
Collector Customs said that all steps were being taken to promote the EFS, adding the prime objective of the Scheme was to streamline the exports in order to earn precious foreign exchange for the country, ensuring all measures to make the EFS user friendly for the exporters’ community.
He said that with the best efforts and productive proposals of PHMA, the FBR’s FASTER Systems had already been improved and working efficiently and exporters were getting their refunds online smoothly.
Addressing the leading exporters, Sambriyal Nayyar said the FBR believed in maximum facilitation to exporters enabling them to enhance exports to ultimately benefit the country to earn foreign exchange.
He apprised that the FBR had been continuously working to improve and develop the taxation system through reforms and automation. He apprised that the FBR had been continuously working to improve and develop the taxation system through reforms and automation. In this connection, automation had been enhanced and public dealing had become limited particularly for the exporters.
It was expected that the Scheme would reduce cost of doing business and cost of tax compliance, improve ease of doing business, reduce liquidity problems of exporters by eliminating sales tax refunds and duty drawback for the users of scheme and shall attract more users and shall ultimately promote exports.