EPA to hold public hearing of private housing scheme's EIA Report 4 minutes ago
ThePakistanEnvironmental Protection Agency (Pak-EPA) will hold the publichearingof the environmental impact assessment (EIA) Report of the construction of a privatehousingscheme, Faisal ResidenciaHousingScheme to be built in Mouza Pind Pariyan and Mouza Dora, Zone-2 of Sector E-17.
The publichearingwill be held onMay8, on Monday at 11 am at Anabia'sMarriageHall, TarnolFateh JangKohatRoad.
The EIA Report of any development project provides a detailed information on the existing environmental conditions, description of the project, analysis of the impacts and suggested mitigation measures to be implemented during the execution of the proposed project.
The Agency had issued public notice that had appeared in the leading national newspapers to apprise general public, local area community and others to attend the publichearingand give their insights, concerns, suggestions and recommendations on the project.
The proposed project is under planning to be launched and implemented by ZEDEM International Pvt. Ltd.
The projectsiteis located adjacent toCabinetDivision Employees CooperativeHousingSociety E-17 on the North and MPCHS Multi Professionals CooperativeHousingSociety F-17 on the East, open land or nullah andGulshanE Sehate E-18 on the West, MPCHS Multi Professionals CooperativeHousingSociety F-17 on the South and Pind Pariyan and have access toKohatRoad.
The constructioncostof Faisal Residencia was estimated to be Rs 1.
83billionexcluding thecostof the land.
TheHousingSociety would be constructed at an area of 1220.6 Kanals of land which will be developed for residential and commercial purpose. The project will comprise of 1164 plots for residential and 8 plots for blue or commercial area, open spaces, parks, public building areas, graveyard and roads.
The Society would have surfacewaterdrainage, sewerage network and sewage treatment plant,watersupply network including tube wells, overhead tanks,waterpurification and and filtration plant for drinkingwater,electricitydistribution network, street lights, Sui-Gas distribution network as perSNGPLstandard, underground telecommunication network,mosque, commercial area, public building, parks and green areas.
According to the EIA Report,allpayments were already done to the land owners for acquiring the land, very low cultivation in the area as there was no cultivatable land present on the projectsite, to prevent soil erosion and degradation the quantities of excavation and fill material would be carefully carried out.
The area did not have any significant number of vegetation and mostly uncultivatable.
The EIA Report publichearingis mandatory under thePakistanEnvironmental Protection Act 1997 for the project proponent to seek an environmental approvalfromPak-EPA prior to attain a no objection certificatefromtheCapital Development Authority(CDA) to initiate construction.