
Gen Asim announces uplift projects during visit to Gwadar

By Staff Reporter | DAWN Mar 12, 2023

QUETTA: While laying emphasis on the socioeconomic development of Gwadar, Chief of Army Staff Gen Syed Asim Munir on Thursday announced a slew of uplift projects for the area.

The army chief, who during a visit to the port city held meetings with people from different walks of life, announced welfare projects related to education, installation of solar system, fisheries, water supply, health, sports and livelihood.

Gen Munir was briefed on the prevailing security situation, formations’ operational preparedness, security for China-Pak­istan Economic Corridor and efforts being made for ensuring a peaceful and secure environment, said an Inter-Services Public Relations release.

He also held meetings with local notables, elected representatives and people from different walks of life.

During these meetings, he declared that a handful of “misguided elements” could not shake the resolve of the people of Balochistan as armed forces are fully committed to ensuring peace and prosperity in the province.

While appreciating their efforts, the COAS urged all the ranks to continue working with professional commitment for the good of the people of Balochistan.

Chief Minister Mir Abdul Qudoos Bizenjo, Commander 12 Corps Quetta Lt Gen Asif Ghafoor and senior civil and military officials were present on the occasion.

Separately, CM Bizenjo held high-level meetings to review pace of work on development projects being executed as part of CPEC. He also visited several projects which are near completion.

Official sources said that construction work on the new Gwadar International Airport has been completed and the airport is expected to become functional with the landing of the first light on the eve of March 23.

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