
Iran mulls to increase trade volume with Pakistan: CG

By Staff Reporter | Pakistan Observer Feb 26, 2023

Iranian Consul General Hasan Golivand Darvesh said Iran would increase the annual trade volume with Pakistan from 1.5 billion dollars to 5 billion dollars. He expressed these views while talking to Gwadar Development Authority (GDA) Director General Mujibur Rahman Qambrani during his visit to Gwadar on Saturday. GDA DG informed Iranian Consul General about the implementation of the Gwadar Smart Port City Master Plan and the under-progress development projects.

The DG said the supply of 100 MW of additional electricity by Iran was a reflection of the strong friendship between the neighboring Islamic brother countries. He said the GDA had provided all basic facilities in Gwadar, including water, education, health, roads, sports fields, parks, and international airport. He said under the master plan, they were establishing a central business district consisting of 25,00 acres of land i.e. downtown and an industrial zone consisting of 20,000 acres.

“With the completion of which, Gwadar will be-come an international economic and tourist city at the global level, which not only will guarantee the prosperity of the country but also the region.” Ap-preciating the development of Gwadar and the pro-jects in the master plan, the Consul General said the development and prosperity of Gwadar were in the interest of both countries.

Iran was interested in projects to generate energy from natural sources, in which a plan to generate 300 megawatts of electricity from solar energy was under consideration, he added. In the meeting, it was agreed to exchange delegations to highlight business, tourism, and cultural links between Cha-bahar and Gwadar.

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