
Using WeBOC, 1st shipment sets out from Gwadar Free Zone

By Yasir Habib Khan | Gwadar Pro Oct 26, 2022

GWADAR, Oct 26. (Gwadar Pro)-By using Web-Based One Custom Clearance System (WeBOC), a truck loaded with containerized export items has finally made its maiden voyage from Gwadar Free Zone on Tuesday, October 25.  
Earlier, with the help of WeBOC, the truck was supposed to leave on Saturday, but was postponed. Its successful departure marks a new era of e-custom for the Gwadar Free Zone.
“The shipment contains 23 tons of pharmaceutical raw material belonging to a Chinese enterprise called Hangeng Trade Company. The truck made a smooth debut from Gwadar Free Zone,” Abdul Razzaq, project manager at Hangeng Trade Company told Gwadar Pro.   
"WeBOC will greatly contribute to the electronic processing of all incoming goods in the Gwadar Free Zone. WeBOC offers a completely transparent and traceable paperless system. It will always work on the fastest track and is able to avoid mistakes caused by the old ‘one-custom mechanism’," he added.
Custom clearance on all shipments in the Gwadar Free Zone will be done by WeBOC, the new digitalized e-custom clearance system.
Jamshed Baloch, trader at Gwadar chamber of commerce and Industry, said that the implementation and operationalization of WeBOC at Gwadar Free Zone has plugged up missing link between automation and digitalization. “WeBOC will help the Free Zone  atomize and standardize trade procedures and logistic services,” he added.   
“Now, all foreign and local companies already registered or to be registered in Gwadar Free Zone, will enjoy paperless, ultra-fast, cost-effective and transparent custom processes and procedures,” another businessmen Fahad Khan said.

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