
China’s Just Stance on Taiwan and G7 bullies

By Dr Mehmood Ul Hassan Khan | Gwadar Pro Aug 8, 2022

Editor's note: The writer is Dr Mehmood Ul Hassan Khan, Executive Director of The Center for South Asia & International Studies (CSAIS) Islamabad, and regional expert on China, CPEC & BRI. The article reflects the author's opinions and not necessarily the views of Gwadar Pro.


The follies and fallacies of the US and the EU are still going on about Taiwan. Now tally of “axis of aggressors” have been further consolidated up to the Group of Seven (G7) which foreign ministers also issued statement against China and defended Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan.

Despite their dissemination of “false” and “fake” propaganda about so-called Chinese aggression in shape of massive military drill after the visit of the US speaker Nancy Pelosi to Taiwan, China is still not frustrated but more focused, not racial but responsible, not aggressive but more accommodating, not of a schemer but more of a supporter for regional peace, stability and harmony through its holistic policies of shared prosperity, global development and security initiatives. Thus their propaganda does not have substances but gather only “self-defeating” dark shadows.

Subsequently, China launched a massive military drill giving a clear message and signaling to forces of “instability” and “insecurity” about Chinese military strength, strategic out-reach, pure professionalism and highest tactical preparedness against any external aggression.

More than 100 countries have spoken out, reaffirming their firm commitment to the one-China policy and underscoring their understanding and support of China's legitimate position. The recent visit of Pelosi to Taiwan should be considered as “dangerous”, “reckless” and “irresponsible” provocation against China.

China has consistently and firmly opposed any form of official exchanges between the Taiwan region and countries having diplomatic ties with China. Twisting bitter facts and playing games with words or trying to redefine commitments means nothing and achieves nothing. 

It is crystal clear that in the modern human civilization and modern political world there is only one “version” and one “connotation” of the one-China principle, i.e. there is only one China in the world and Taiwan is part of China.

Obviously, the government of China is the “sole legal government” representing the entire China. Even the UN General Assembly Resolution 2758 adopted at the 26th in 1971 also reconfirms it. Therefore, the G7 foreign ministers should not try to “unilaterally” change the principle. Thus there should be no misinterpretation or distortion of the principle.

Ironically, the national histories of the G7 countries remained “disreputable”, ‘destructive” and “damaging” to humanity at large. It had has been full of brutal acts and coercive deeds of genocides and massive discriminations.

So, the G7 countries the so-called self-acclaimed champion of humanity and democracy should feel sorry about their past deeds and should not blame China about its “sensible” countermeasures in a very “sensitive” situation after the visit of Pelosi visit to Taiwan. Simply, the G7 is “dictatorial globally”.

To conclude, the US speaker Pelosi controversial visit to Taiwan has destabilized the regional stability of the Indo-Pacific region which has very serious socio-economic, geopolitical and geostrategic spillover ramifications for rest of the world. Her notorious visit has become a new regional flashpoint which has immense global outreach.

Hopefully, the controversial visit of Pelosi to Taiwan will be remembered as a “waste paper” in the history and the G7 bullies should also be judged as “irrational”, “provocative” and “indecent” which intentionally try to change the status quo and undermining regional peace and stability”.

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