
Handicrafts of Gilgit Baltistan fetch foreign exchange to national kitty through exports

By Staff Reporter | UrduPoint Nov 29, 2020

GILGIT, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 29th Nov, 2020 ) :Handicrafts mean purely hand made materials and objects frequently used for the purposeof decoration. Gilgit-Baltistan (GB) has a rich and diverse history of Handicrafts which dates back to thousands ofyears during Harappa, Mohen Jo Daro, andIndus Valley civilizations.

The handicrafts of GB aknown for quality, uniqueness, aesthetic and cultural appeal, come aftermany years of struggleand experience.Embroidered gowns (choghas/attire withDoriwork), wallets, key chains, caps, carpet weaving(gabbeh and rugs), stone work (sharma), wood utensils (walnut wood), woolen crafts (shawls, namda, pattu, yar), ofGilgit Baltistanare famous fortheir unique designs.

These items are of high quality and hand made by local artisans .SomehandicraftsofGilgitBaltistanhave very significant cultural and religious values. Touristsfromallcorners of theworlddecorate their homes, hotels and other places with the unique handicrafts owing to thebestqualitystandards ofGilgit Baltistan. Some places ofGilgit Baltistanas inner Hunza, district Shigar in Baltistan region, and Darail and tangir valley in district Diamer are famousbecause of IslamicHandicrafts asprayermats and Caps.

These Handicrafts proved to be aunityamong artisans,womenand disadvantaged groups and local communities to improvethe socio-economic conditions of the communities in the region. Akbar Hussain anartisan of traditional Gilgiti cap makingfromHunza Aliabad said that "handicrafts are a unique creation of expertise and experienceandfor making traditional Gilgiti Caps (topi) and gowns we have to go through a tough routine,because our skill reflects the rich cultural andtraditional heritage ofGilgit Baltistanin theworld".

"The handicraft ofGilgit Baltistanhas unique designs and is exclusive beyond comparison" Akbar added.

Safder Shah a dealer of handicrafts in NLImarketGilgitsaid "Handicrafts ofGilgit Baltistanhave a great potential in economic development of theregion adding that handmade caps, gowns, shawls, mats,Yak Hair Rugs and wide range of Jewellery Items ofGilgitBaltistanare almost 100% export oriented and providing directemploymentto the hundreds of the unemployed artisans and businessmen".

He informed ,"At present handicrafts werecontributing a big amount through exportsto thegovernmentexchequer and development of the country".Azmat Ali who prepares clothes with khudi (old handmade machines for making the patto (cloth forGilgitcaps and gowns) said "famous traditional gowns and capsfromGB have a worldwide recognition for their elegant designs and vibrant colors to suit the customers taste andappeal".

He said ,"It is our tradition ofGilgit Baltistanthat whenever any guest visits GB on special occasions, as honor we present him traditionalfamous caps and gownsfromGB." The artistsfromGB are continuously trying to bring changes in the designs which can suit the demands of the customers,but they are facing differentissues related to their work. The artists should be given recognition and rewarded for their hard work and dedication.

Before the artists lose interest andthe art gets endangered, thegovernmentshould intervene and save the glory of the cultural legacy.

The craftsmen need encouragement.The traders should encourage these handicrafts so that the creation continues and productionreflects the rich cultural heritage of the GB.This was the demand of artists and artisans of GB.

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